Integrating HMIS data with Show The Way
If you have not already logged into the Data Warehouse, please reach out to in order to be added to your Datasource. Data that is fully compliant with the current version of the HUD CSV Data Exchange Format can be uploaded in (as contracts and permissions allow). Before you can manually upload data,…
Getting Started Steps for Administrators
Getting Started Guidance for Show The Way Administrators Designated Show The Way administrators are tasked with ensuring that the application is properly configured to meet local needs and that the users of the app are given the appropriate level of access. The guidance below is aimed to help with these initial setup steps including creating…
Managing Unit & Bed Inventory
For projects that have beds or designated areas for supervised sleeping or parking, the Inventory tab at the bottom is where the units and beds can be set up. This tab is where projects can set up all the beds they have available. First, navigate to the Tools drop-down menu in the top right corner…
User Interface on Mobile
For users first experiencing Show The Way’s latest version, several new aspects exist to discover. While there will be continued updates in the future, please see the video below for guidance on the new interface.
How can I export data from Show The Way so it can be imported into our HMIS?
Administrators can export data from the Command Center in the current HUD Comma Separated Value (CSV) Exchange Format by following these simple instructions: Step 1: From within your campaign activity, click on the “Settings” tab, then click on the “HUD Export” tab. Step 2: Click on the “Create Export” button. On the pop-up window, select…
How Can I Identify and Merge Duplicate Client Records?
While the Client lookup feature within Show The Way is designed to reduce the likelihood of a client having multiple records, there may be occasions when this will still occur. Fortunately, there is a simple and intuitive interface within the desktop version of Show The Way to identify and merge these records.
User Training Video Series: Getting Started, Encampments, Case Management, and more!
The Show The Way User Training Series offers in-depth overviews of each of the main modules of Show The Way, including Case Management and Encampments. Viewers will also learn how to Get Started with downloading and accessing the app, and how to navigate the home page! For additional support, please visit our virtual Help Desk.
Assigning Surveys & Services to Projects
Within Show The Way Webview, Administrators can assign surveys & services directly to specific projects. Once Projects have been added to the Datastore and Activity, simply follow the steps in the following video: