About Simtech Solutions, Inc.

At our core, Simtech Solutions Inc. is a cause-driven technology services provider with a passion for developing innovative technologies to help people experiencing homelessness. This includes creating the first data warehouse in the US to support homeless research and evaluation. The research that was conducted helped to prove the efficacy of the Housing First approach and was recognized by HUD with an Advanced HMIS Data Users Award. Powered by HomelessData, the warehouse continues to help communities establish By Name Lists, prioritize clients for housing opportunities, provide Research tools in the form of multi-level dashboards, and streamline the annual funding competition with NOFA Rating and Ranking tools.

Our Counting Us mobile app is used by 50+ regions to conduct an accurate homeless census and provides coverage for thirty to forty percent of the census tracts in the US.  The innovative use of this tech to support ongoing street outreach work in communities such as San Diego and Gulf Coast, FL has laid the groundwork for the development of Show The Way.


Our mission is to help communities determine the extent of the problem, understand the underlying issues, and measure the efficacy of work being done to prevent and end homelessness. Projects that serve persons experiencing homelessness around the US rely on us to measure their impact, guide the decision-making process with evidence, and to meet the HUD requirements. Simtech’s advanced technology, deep knowledge about the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) program and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS),  and experience as HUD Technical Assistance Providers enable us to support a wide range of customers throughout the US.

A Word from Greg Feste, Chief Homeless Officer at The Homeless Depot

Kansas City utilizing Show the Way


Response captured to aid individuals


Users across projects


U.S. Regions use our tools for the homeless census

30 – 40%

U.S. geographic coverage

Show The Way has been piloted in Houston, San Diego, and Charlotte. We are using the lessons learned from outreach staff, persons experiencing homelessness, and service providers to inform our tech.

Human-centered design, fueled by conversations with people with lived experience, tell us that people already know what they need/want. Compared to brick and mortar shelter and housing providers, Street Outreach teams are often beginning work with a client in a very different space. Immediate, basic needs are often given closer attention than considerations about homeless history or prioritization scores. We recognize that a solution is needed that is tailored to Outreach-specific workflows and service delivery. Show The Way was designed with those specific needs in mind.

For more details on how Simtech Solutions is revolutionizing how communities address their homeless crisis click here.