Outreach teams often have different coverage areas, services they provide, and operating hours. People experiencing homelessness need to know where to go for help and resources, but it can be unclear. Show The Way provides the solution, by enabling teams to support people right where they are with follow-ups and notes. Click on the image for a video intro!
Show The Way
By Simtech Solutions
Our Approach
Our mission is to help communities determine the extent of homelessness locally, understand the underlying issues, and measure the efficacy of work being done to prevent and end homelessness. We use Human Centered Design practices that take into account the experience of both the teams we work with and the people they are serving.
Simtech’s advanced technology and deep knowledge about the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) program and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) enable us to support a wide range of customers throughout the US.
Unique Features
Location Tracking
Exact GPS coordinates allow you to get a clear picture of homelessness in your region
Ability to capture picture
Images to help you match client profiles and not have to enter personal information for every interaction
Encampment tracking
Exact GPS coordinates of encampments with the ability to track if they are active
Ability to review details
Add notes, alerts, and follow-up items
Regional Command Center
The Regional Command Center is where you add/edit your users, surveys, and more
Real time data capture
Your tool for understanding the needs of people living on the streets in real time
Location tracking
Exact GPS coordinates allow you to get a clear picture of homelessness in your region
Ability to capture pictures
Images to help you match client profiles and not have to enter personal information for every interaction
Encampments can be mapped
Exact GPS coordinates of encampments with the ability to track if they are active
Ability to review details
Add notes, alerts, and follow-up items
Regional Command Center
The Regional Command Center is where you add/edit your users, surveys, and more
Real-time data capture
Your tool for understanding the needs of people living on the streets in real time